Thursday, July 12, 2007

Farewell and thanks

Well, this is it, friends. Now that I have been home nearly three weeks, I am finally drawing this blog to a close. It has been a joy to share my adventures with you, and I thank you for visiting and especially for your comments. I hope that you enjoyed the journey. I sure did. Now, before I officially bid farewell to beee-bo, I want to add one more thing. Some of you know that I am not, in fact, made of money, and that this my first Peruvian experience was made possible by a generous scholarship from Sigma Delta Pi, and that, in turn, was made possible in large part by the instruction, guidance, and recommendations of several truly great teachers. So, if any of you is reading this, here I offer you my thanks. I learned a ton and I had a blast, and I am really grateful to have had the privilege of spending several weeks in the Andes. The only trouble is, far from satisfying my wanderlust, it only intensified it... so, until next time, farewell, dear Qosqo. ¡Viva el PerĂº!


Vanessa Swenson said...

Ahhh, Sigma. It's good to know people who know how to get money from other people so that we can further our academic careers.
And I reiterate my demand from a previous comment: NEW BLOG.
I do so enjoy commenting on your blog(s). But I enjoy reading your entries much more.
Oh, I'm almost healthy again. In fact, today I might go outside!!!!! So we should hang out soon.

rantipoler said...

Thanks for your blog. I loved the pictures! And I agree with Vanessa - I hope you start up a new one!